Thank you xo

As we wind up our practice at BYCHCH, to close our doors - March 31st, we have nothing but gratitude for you - our students. 

The founder of Bikram's Yoga said; "You only have to travel six inches in your life. That is the distance from your mind to your heart." Another great philosopher Mark Nepo said, "The longest journey you will make in your life is from your Head to your Heart." 

Truth is, I think we all feel often times caught between the two, sometimes our worst battle is between what we know and recognising what is in our hearts and having the courage to follow these feelings, especially when challenged to make a change, which is a lesson I feel I am embracing right now in my life. Change is the process of life Itself.

THANK YOU again for your presence, practice and kindness over the years. As I take time to recharge and recover, I hope I can continue to connect and share what inspires me, in hopes that it will inspire you, and when the time comes, I look forward to our practicing together again, bending, stretching and twisting on our mats as a tool to see our minds more clearly, open our hearts more deeply, transforming our relationship with ourselves. 

Aroha nui.
Kate Lillian Burford xo


Being the author of your life


A time for change & new beginnings