Rebooting your yoga routine

Rebooting your routine can be a challenge, especially when you’ve been too busy, sick or injured and then one week turns into one month, or longer! Getting back into a healthy routine that makes you feel good on the inside and confident on the outside can be tough after taking some time off. Even if the intention is there, the motivation into action can be the most challenging part. It can be intimidating…

Your mindset is everything, and in order to succeed in implementing a successful yoga and wellness routine, you need to change your way of thinking.  Ask yourself… Am I taking care of myself in a healthy way? And, What do I need to change to make myself feel both healthy and happy? When we can shift that internal conversation with ourselves, it can help motivate us to get started.

Take it slow when first getting back into a class, because whatever the reason for your break, whether it was due to being unwell, an injury or life simply happened… it’s going to take the body and mind some time to find its rhythm again, so don’t worry if you don’t start back again where you left off. Start where you are, do what you can, and give it time, without judgment. Our lives and bodies are constantly changing and evolving. Trust in the process, and before you know it, you’ll begin to not only see, but also feel the difference.

The key is to treat your yoga practice as part of your routine and make it a habit. When you don’t have the motivation, don’t look for excuses, just do it. Trust me, I have days like these too from time to time. When setting yourself a routine, you want to try your best to stick to, by making it realistic, because if you don’t stick to it, what’s the point in doing it in the first place?! Once you get going, you’ll feel proud of yourself for making the effort.

Finally, plan your schedule; put it in your calendar how many days you would like to get into yoga, this can serve as a great tool for ensuring you book yourself in for your ‘you’ time. Challenge yourself to 3-4 days a week. Remember, yoga doesn’t take time; it gives time. You will gain more health benefits, energy, mental clarity and stress relief, which, in turn will help you to perform better at work and in the other important areas of your life.

To help, we are having our first 4 by 4 challenge at Bikram Yoga Christchurch this August. This challenge is different to your ordinary Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge, 30 classes in 30 days may not be realistic for you. Practicing Bikram Yoga 4 times per week for 4 weeks (and then longer…) is enough to see and feel the benefits, which accompany a regular practice, and can be managed when you plan and prioritize your ‘you’ time. Remember, there will never be a ‘perfect’ time to kick-start your routine again. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit, so get your mindset right, and tell yourself you can do this. 

Create the most healed, healthy version of yourself, and build a lifestyle with yoga, fitness and wellness as your key to success.

- Kate Lillian Burford -


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